Tears for you Dad

Created by Lisa 2 years ago
Let's talk tears 
You wake up and you think how will today be different from yesterday or the day before or the day u left this earth plane All I do is cry My tears are like water falls they keep falling. Buckets of empty feelings of sadness My tears burn my face ive cried that much. Its become a normal thing to do now just cry and cry more I know if you were here you would say please dont, Please stop I wished it was that easy but unfortunately its not how can it be I'm sure that's the way it always going to feel if I let it So today I woke with no tears just utter sadness inside me im still lonely and the days are long But im alive Im going to get through this because you taught me how to be strong. You taught me so much it feels like a life time ago. I was whole when you were here but part of me went with you that day And part of me stayed because thats how it works Im not going to wish my life away Because no matter how hard it is ive got to survive this greif I know some days will be harder than others And some days ill cry But when my time on earth is at an end I know you and the angels will come to get me and I will be back with you again. So cry if you must because tears are healing Sadness is healing Loving you is healing Talking about you is healing But loving you still every day is everything to me, it Is more than I could ask for Until we are back together Love Lisa 💙💙